Friday, October 22, 2010

Candy Corn Wreath

I really love hot glue. But what I love more than hot glue is candy corn. I came across this idea for a candy corn wreath from a friend's blog who got the idea from the Woman's Day magazine. 15 hot glue sticks later, two bags of candy corn and a sugar high I had a beautiful wreath to hang on my door. Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

How to be Inspired

Like many of you I am incredibly busy. As I write this I am procrastinating laundry, homework and even more homework. But even worse than procrastination, one of my biggest struggles is finding an assortment of good meals to cook. I first wanted to do a blog with just meal ideas, but then I realized that there are so many other good ideas to be shared. These include but are not limited to: books, crafts, date ideas, holiday ideas, baking ideas and inspiring words of wisdom. I thought that perhaps us bloggers of the world could post about these ideas on one common blog. This is a way to showcase what YOU have have been baking, cooking, crafting, or thinking about. Of course this will take time, but this is why I can't do it alone.

That is why I am trying to enlist as many people as possible who would love to share their knowledge and ideas. I am looking for various authors. You can post on your area of expertise such as crafting, baking, reading, relaxing, sewing....or whatever else. I just ask that you post at least once a month. This way the blog will be continually updated and it will not be a huge time commitment from anyone of us.

As I write this my thoughts are scattered. Hopefully you can get the gist of what I am trying to accomplish by setting up this blog. If you would like to be an author, add any input or have any feedback leave a comment or email us at If you know of anyone else who would love to be involved in this project please let them know. This will be an extraordinary success if we get a plethora of ideas.