Monday, November 1, 2010

Saving Money - Produce

Question of the Day:

Why does have to be SO expensive to eat healthy?

I've been couponing for about 6 months now and I have come across very few coupons for fresh fruit and vegetables. There are some out there, but not many. So how would one save money on produce. Well, there is always growing your own. Which, let's face it, is not easy. What do you do if you don't have the time/space/know-how to grow your own produce?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret....Bountiful Baskets.

This is a volunteer based program that takes fruit and vegetables grown in your general area, puts it all together, and then sells it to the general public.

What I have loved about Bountiful Baskets is that the price is amazing and often I will get things that I wouldn't normally buy. It's been fun cooking with different produce. One of the down sides is that you don't know what you are going to get as it is different every time.

You can buy a basket/baskets (up to 3) every other week. They start selling at 9:00am on Tuesday (tomorrow for Arizona) and close at 10:00pm the next day, Wednesday.  You pick up your basket, at the location you choose when ordering, on the next Saturday.

For example, Tomorrow morning (Nov. 2) I will order a basket and then Saturday (Nov. 6) we will go pick it up. We won't be able to order again until November 16th.

The baskets include fruit and vegetables for $15.00 + 1.50 handling fee + $3.00 (for first time participants only).

There is also the option for organic produce for $10.00 more.

They also sell whole grain bread (it's yummy!), tortillas, boxes of fruit and vegetables (which is good if you want to can a whole bunch of something), and tons of other things. Again, every week is different. They won't always have all of the things I mentioned above.

After we pick up out basket I make our two-week menu based on what we got in the basket. has the option to list what you have and it will generate recipes based on those items. (SO COOL!)

If you are interested in ordering or getting more information just click on Bountiful Baskets. I would suggest setting up an account now just so things will go faster when the time comes to order.

(I was in no way compensated for this review. I just really love this program!)