Saturday, February 18, 2012

On Saving Money

I just wanted to share a quick tip today on saving money and saving your waistline! Since our dating days, TJ and I try to share meals when we go out. Most restaurants serve double what one person should eat in one meal. This means that if you order an entree, and eat it alone, you're probably maxing out on your daily calories....likely in one meal. Now, sometimes we do eat separate meals depending on the place and the occasion (and coupons), but sharing meals has been something that's worked really well for us.

You might ask, "What about people you go out with? What about your waiter?" We've only ever had one friend tell us he thought it was awkward that we shared our meal, only because we finished before they did. But you know what? Most people don't really care, and some friends have even followed our example. And as for more sit-down style restaurants, most waiters are really nice and have our meal split for us in the kitchen, or at least bring out another plate. And we're sure to always pay at least 18% for a tip.

There are rare occasions when we're not both completely full, but after letting our food settle for twenty minutes, we're fine! If we're still a little hungry, what better time to get a little ice cream to fill in the holes?

I feel like my husband and I are doing pretty well financially for our situation and our age, and it's little habits like this one that contribute to our frugality.

1 comment:

Janina said...

When we go out to eat (those few, precious times) I always wish we had split the meal. The portions are always so huge, and I hate spending the money.